Secret Cravings Publishing

Book IV of the
"Winslow Witches of Salem"
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I loved this book – started reading at 10:00pm on a weeknight and kept going till I finished it.
Liz, Reviewer for Hearts on Fire

Witches, werewolves, and vampires--an unprecedented alliance between the species.

Prince of Darkness: The realm of Vampyre is on the brink of a devastating war. In order to save his covens from total annihilation and claim his right to be king, Prince Valerian Radu must find a mate immediately and breed her. However, convincing the feisty witch, Shasta LaVeau, she's First Bride material is a war in itself--Shasta has but one thought on her mind--drive a stake through his black heart!

Princess of Light: In Shasta's opinion, the only good vampire is a staked vampire. Half-witch, half-werewolf, she leaves the borders of Ru-Noc to save her best friend, Princess Kali, from the evil fangs of Valerian, only to fall under the hypnotic spell of the sexy vampire.

Witch's Magic--where four realms collide--and there can only be one winner!



Val stood there beside Shasta's bed and watched her breathe. By the gods, she was beautiful. His gaze took in the neat row of stakes lined up on her bedside table. Beautiful, but deadly. She had every intention of killing him and any other vampire she happened upon. A flask of holy water stood beside the stakes and a tiny, gold cross on a chain. He shook his head. She was all set to slay any vampire she came across. He wondered if she truly believed she was prepared.

She might succeed in an attempt to kill him, but vampires weren't easily disposed of. Long before she figured that out, he'd already have made her his in every sense of the word.

Valerian settled his long frame beside her on the side of the bed...glided a fingertip up one smooth thigh to the edge of the wispy bikini bottom. The black silk fell away at his command...